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Environmental and Sustainability



At Fort Wayne Metals, we are committed to sustainability. We strive to implement best practices through activities to reduce our environmental footprint, improve efficiencies, create opportunities, and support innovation. Fort Wayne Metals recognizes that environmental excellence can only be accomplished through leadership participation, employee commitment and collaboration, customer and supplier relationships, and community support.

Our Values and Operating Principles

Fort Wayne Metals has established values which are fundamental to the success of our company. Our operating principles define how our organization must operate with respect to our mission and values. These values and operating principles permeate every aspect of our organization and are at the core of our environmental and sustainability programs.


직접적인 고객 관계를 유지하고, 해당 분야에서 혁신적인 리더가 되고, 기술을 활용해 당사의 연구 및 공정을 발전시킴으로써 미래의 문제에 대응하고 있습니다.

Operating Principles:
공정 및 제품의 지속적인 개선은 포트웨인메탈 성공에 매우 중요합니다.연구 및 개발은 미래의 열쇠입니다.

At Fort Wayne Metals we believe basic compliance is not enough to ensure a sustainable future. Innovation is essential in all facets of business, including environmental initiatives. We use all of the resources at our disposal to proactively tackle environmental challenges in an effort to secure a prosperous future.

Employee Committment

포트웨인메탈이 보여주는 힘의 근원은 바로 당사의 직원들입니다.

Operating Principles:
직원의 참여는 운영 개선에 매우 중요합니다.
모두가 매일 자신의 잠재성을 끌어낼 책임이 있습니다.

We recognize that employee commitment, at every level of the organization, is critical to the success of our environmental and sustainability objectives. We work to engage employees in environmental initiatives at work, and support environmentally responsible practices in the community.

Ethical Behavior

포트웨인메탈의 제품 및 서비스 품질, 조직 문화 및 커뮤니티에 대한 지원이 바로 포트웨인메탈을 평가하는 기준입니다.

Operating Principles:
성실성은 훼손될 수 없습니다.
정보를 기반으로 결정해야 합니다.

As a member of the global community, we understand that our actions matter. Our environmental and sustainability programs are developed based on real information gathered from our operations. Our objectives are pursued with social and ethical considerations in mind.

Environmental and Sustainability Objectives

Fort Wayne Metals has ongoing environmental and sustainability programs based on our operations, our environmental impacts, and the needs of our community. Each program identified below also includes a brief description of our strategic objective and indicates our current progress.

Program Target Progress
Regulated Waste: Establish baseline metrics and identify opportunities to reduce volume of regulated waste generated Collecting information and evaluating data relative to current business demands
Compliance Auditing: Perform an annual inspection in each facility to confirm compliance with all applicable environmental requirements Successful completion of annual internal inspections in all US facilities since 2011
Permitting: Meet or exceed requirements defined by necessary regulatory permits Systematic program in place to monitor and address permit needs with a focus on future metric reporting.
Water Quality: Establish baseline metrics and identify opportunities for improvement Collecting information and evaluating data relative to current business demands
Air Quality: Establish baseline metrics and identify opportunities for improvement Collecting information and evaluating data relative to current business demands.
Environmental Management System (EMS): Develop and implement an EMS in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 Comprehensive EMS framework developed and implemented in conformance with ISO 14001: 2004 currently under review
Wasting Zero Initiatives: Establish baseline metrics and identify best practices to minimize and manage non-regulated waste from both production and non-production areas All potential/generated waste managed in accordance with the Waste Management Hierarchy seen below
Manufacturing Surplus: Establish practices to minimize and responsibly manage excess material Active scrap recycling program in place since 2008
Consumables Conservation: Mitigate environmental impact of consumable wastes necessary to operations The tri-level recycling program, which has been in place since 2008, resulted in over 90,000 pounds of materials recycled in 2016. This does not include scrap from our raw material or wire products.
Continuous Improvement: Perform regular review of processes, machinery, and operations to identify opportunities for improvement Annual Environmental Aspect Analysis completed for each domestic production department since 2013
Environmental Corrective Action program in place


Success Stories

Resource Reuse, and Recovery

Some of Fort Wayne Metals manufacturing processes require the use of oil products. Fort Wayne Metals uses a two-step process to extend the life of oil products. First, when possible, oils are filtered to prolong effective use. When oil products reach the end of effective life in our facilities Fort Wayne Metals works with responsible waste management firms to send oil products for re-refining thus turning our used fluids into new products. This process of reuse and recovery minimizes the volume of potentially hazardous waste generated and preserves virgin resources.

Recycling Program

Since 2008 Fort Wayne Metals employees have been diverting recyclable materials from the landfill through our tri-level recycling program. Collection containers available at the department level allow employees to separate recyclables at the source. These are then combined at the facility level then transported to the in-house Recycling Center for management at the company level. By working with local waste management agencies Fort Wayne Metals is able to recycle a wide range of materials and continues to look for alternative recycling solutions for waste which cannot be prevented, reduced, or reused.